Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Commentary: Were Mumbai attacks inspired by al Qaeda?

I think this article was very intriguing and interesting about the incident that occurred in Mumbai, India. The article indicates that the attack was caused by al-Qaeda leaders but it also said that, "Some have suggested the Mumbai attacks cannot have a transnational connection because al Qaeda uses the tactic of suicide bombers and does not indulge in hostage-taking. It is pertinent to point out that al Qaeda does not have a written constitution in how to kill, but the end goal is always the same: inflict mass-casualty atrocities with economic, political and social consequences." This wasnt the first time India has been attacked by terrorism, they have been attacked numerous times. "On December 13, 2001, five gunmen drove into India's parliament complex in New Delhi and opened fire indiscriminately. Although no members of parliament were harmed, eight people and the five terrorists were killed."But the terrorists were trained another way to cause this mass erruption, "The Mumbai gunmen were well-prepared and trained. The terrorists had done their reconnaissance and planning, which would have taken months to coordinate. They knew the terrain and locations. They had worked out the internal infrastructure and layout of the buildings and moved with stealth, combing their way through 10 locations and creating devastation along the way." There could be many fingers pointed at but more investigation needs to be done about what exactly what happened in the attack and what lead this to it and who was involved. This is the 9/11 of Mumbai, India.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Americas Education

Najib said...

I totally agree about this I mean other countries are more educated strict than the U.S. I think the US should be taking note of this as well as the parents because you're kids might grow up not having a good education compared to other people. I think that our education system is lacking as of now because they are just making people go to school from k-12. I also urge the government to take action to this situation. America is one of the greatest countries for education and needs to continue to pursue in education. Education is the key and future to success.