Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I think this is one of the most intellectual, and relevant posts I ever read. To be honest, people do feel that they want to leave for Canada due to President-Elect Obama's victory in the 2008 Presidential Election. I believe that they are being inconsiderate for the fact that President- Elcect Barack Obama will lead the country to a ditch rather that making it fly in colors. Running away from a situation does not make anything change, it shows cowardliness. I also agree for the fact that this post said, "The key term here is PEOPLE. People have a voice in government that they rarely use. Those who create so much controversy and noise have an opportunity to use all their efforts for good (or at least what they consider good)." We should absolutely be a part of this, and step forward for our country. The success and bright future of our country is in the hands of our citizens. Avoiding the situation and moving to Canada has no value. Moving to Canada will NOT change our country. We have to step forward and be aware and participate to make the country and our lives better.

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