Thursday, March 26, 2009

Obama's Mexico policy so far depressingly familiar

"President Obama should never have signed legislation banning Mexican truckers, which not only violated a treaty but immediately inspired new Mexican tariffs on US products. " I can understand why President Obama and his staff made a decision to ban Mexican trucker, because of the economic situations we are facing right now. I also understand that the transportation of drugs are also an issue to why he chose to sign this bill. "Obama has received high marks from drug policy reformers in D.C. and on the west coast who are happy he ended the crackdown on state-sanctioned medical marijuana dispensaries, but for the issues I care about most, I can't say I care much for the new president's drug policies, particularly regarding Mexican drug cartels." Obama's drug poliicies are pretty strong and he wants to fight for to get rid of drugs that are harming America today. "DOJ's Organized Drug Enforcement Task Forces Program (OCDETF) is adding analyst personnel to its strike force capacity along the Southwest border and the Office of Justice Programs will be investing $30 million in stimulus funding to assist with state and local law enforcement to combat narcotics activity coming through the southern border and in high intensity drug trafficking areas.""Obama's Mexico policy so far amounts to more of the same, with a healthy new dose of protectionism larded on top. I'd hoped for a more thoughtful approach, starting with a greater focus on rooting out US-side corruption." I totally agree with President Obama and his decision.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I think this is one of the most intellectual, and relevant posts I ever read. To be honest, people do feel that they want to leave for Canada due to President-Elect Obama's victory in the 2008 Presidential Election. I believe that they are being inconsiderate for the fact that President- Elcect Barack Obama will lead the country to a ditch rather that making it fly in colors. Running away from a situation does not make anything change, it shows cowardliness. I also agree for the fact that this post said, "The key term here is PEOPLE. People have a voice in government that they rarely use. Those who create so much controversy and noise have an opportunity to use all their efforts for good (or at least what they consider good)." We should absolutely be a part of this, and step forward for our country. The success and bright future of our country is in the hands of our citizens. Avoiding the situation and moving to Canada has no value. Moving to Canada will NOT change our country. We have to step forward and be aware and participate to make the country and our lives better.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Commentary: Were Mumbai attacks inspired by al Qaeda?

I think this article was very intriguing and interesting about the incident that occurred in Mumbai, India. The article indicates that the attack was caused by al-Qaeda leaders but it also said that, "Some have suggested the Mumbai attacks cannot have a transnational connection because al Qaeda uses the tactic of suicide bombers and does not indulge in hostage-taking. It is pertinent to point out that al Qaeda does not have a written constitution in how to kill, but the end goal is always the same: inflict mass-casualty atrocities with economic, political and social consequences." This wasnt the first time India has been attacked by terrorism, they have been attacked numerous times. "On December 13, 2001, five gunmen drove into India's parliament complex in New Delhi and opened fire indiscriminately. Although no members of parliament were harmed, eight people and the five terrorists were killed."But the terrorists were trained another way to cause this mass erruption, "The Mumbai gunmen were well-prepared and trained. The terrorists had done their reconnaissance and planning, which would have taken months to coordinate. They knew the terrain and locations. They had worked out the internal infrastructure and layout of the buildings and moved with stealth, combing their way through 10 locations and creating devastation along the way." There could be many fingers pointed at but more investigation needs to be done about what exactly what happened in the attack and what lead this to it and who was involved. This is the 9/11 of Mumbai, India.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Americas Education

Najib said...

I totally agree about this I mean other countries are more educated strict than the U.S. I think the US should be taking note of this as well as the parents because you're kids might grow up not having a good education compared to other people. I think that our education system is lacking as of now because they are just making people go to school from k-12. I also urge the government to take action to this situation. America is one of the greatest countries for education and needs to continue to pursue in education. Education is the key and future to success.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Will Obama Become President?

Barack Obama has been a great candidate in the race. He has developed his ideas to the public and has justified his rights and equality to change America. Barack Obama also wants to change America and not keep it the same as Mccain is attending to do so, Obama realizes that the country is calling for help and needs every second to over come this hump. Barack Obama has alot of faith in changing America and he believes that it can be done. If elected Barack Obama will change what couldnt be done 100 years ago and that is become the first Black president. He has sacrificed his time and devotion to overcome. "Obama has a great intellect and the leadership characteristics of our great American presidents," said state Sen. Kirk Dillard, a Republican who befriended Obama in Springfield. "But the unknown is the administrative and foreign policy experience."Obama could be as calculating as they come. He promoted himself as a defender of abortion rights, but he encouraged fellow Democrats to vote "present" on abortion bills. Friends say the strategy was designed to protect lawmakers, including Obama, with designs on higher offices. Obama proposed a constitutional amendment to mandate universal health care. It lacked detail and he settled for a task force to study the issue. I think he has the qualifications to get the votes for him to become our President.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Racism Against Candidates

This Article was interesting and very intriguing, because who cares if Obama is Muslim or not? I mean all he is trying to do it help this country out with his views for America. I mean this article clearly explained how it doesn't matter what you are, I mean it depends on the matter that you are an America-Arab/Muslim or whatever and all you are doing is only good for the country. this article is one of the best articles ive read in a whilw because, it is stopping most americans from different backgrounds/relegions to not move into politics. People should realize that not all muslims are the "jihad" type and most are just your average businessmen,successful americans. I totally agree with this article and it should be brought up more to discuss therefore it can be cleared up for most americans. The misunderstanding about muslim-americans is definately a problem in america. People are being shot,harassed, and assaulted for being a muslim in america. This article is very true and how people would react if the article were not reinstated by John Mccain. America needs to change and i would suggest this article and many more other articles that have been written send a message out to americans that racism should stop in america.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Legacy

Let me just start off by quoting, “He’s going to have an unbelievably great legacy,” said Laura Bush in an ABC interview, citing wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. “Fifty million people liberated from very brutal regimes". Are you serious? I mean President Bush has basically caused so many problems for us Americans today. As you can see in this article it criticizes President Bush for his past activities. I also agree for the fact that, "In a survey of scholars done earlier this year, just two of 109 historians said the Bush presidency would be judged a success. A majority said he would be the worst president ever. To me that is TRUE! A majority said that he would be the worst president ever....HE IS THE WORST!. There is no better way to put it. I deeply agree everything in this article that is being said against President Bush. What I think the claim the author of this article is trying to say, is that he is listing the different types of accomplishments/failures President Bush has done in his presidency. Which states clearly about the impact he has made on us. The logic behind it that, in my opinion how many people agree with this article and disagree? Personally, I think the majority would totally disagree. I like the ending to where it said,

If ever there was an argument for voting against politicians who are confident about their cluelessness, Bush is it. So it was heartening to see that a majority of the country, in some polls, now views Sarah Palin as unqualified to be president.

We may have learned something, even if Bush has not.

I laugh at this, and totally agree. Yes we have learned something, learn to CHOOSE smarter candidates.